Wednesday, February 17, 2010

this backpack's too heavy.

I just can't do it all, okay?
Even when I get everything done that absolutely HAS to be done, there are still papers due in a week that should be started, visiting teaching that should be done, stewardship interviews that should be done, cleaning that should be done, studying that should be done, thermometers to be rewired for the fourth time, quizzes to redo, French resumes and cover letters to write, etc. etc.
And then all the guilt I feel for always complaining or whatever when everyone around me has just as much going on, but is somehow able to be much more cheerful about it all.

For some reason I thought that college would get easier the further in you get.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.


  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel. except the relief society part.

  2. I spend the first half of my week willing myself to get through to the end of Wednesday, and then I never seem to enjoy the weekend as much as I should.

    And I never get enough sleep. But I shouldn't complain, you always get way less than I do.

    Sorry, girl. I'm sure your summer in France will not be less busy, but hopefully it will be a better kind of busy.

  3. poor, katie. just do what i do and ignore the not-so-important things. i just don't do them and it usually turns out ok.
