Monday, March 29, 2010

There is (no) beauty in the breakdown

Maybe I'm just an idiot.

Or maybe the Periodicals Section of the library is really as confusing as it seems.

I swear I looked in the right section (AP 63 . C6697 Bry7QN E=mc{squared}).
Three times.
Dewey would not be proud.

Not at all.

And of course I would be doing this at 10:30 at night, when there are no kind attendants to help me find what I'm looking for.

Not their fault. Mine for procrastinating everything in life.

Goodbye my darling bed. It looks like we wont' be seeing each other for about 4 days.


  1. dear laura,
    i'm sorry. i hate the way the library is organized sometimes. and more often than not, i can never find what i need in the periodicals.
    we can not sleep the next 4 days together!!
    your roomie,

  2. i learned from my rant on the library (so confusing) that we use the congressional system to organize, which is worse. so, thanky ou congress.

  3. Thanks for the support, guys. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks the library is confusing.

    Or is looking at blogs at 11:35, when I already have way too much to do.
