Thursday, June 4, 2009

Confession: this isn't much of a vent.

I guess it's more of a...lament. (okay. I really just wanted to make it rhyme, but hey. it fits)

There is this person that I feel like I could be very good friends with, if she would leave religion out of it.

Not saying religion shouldn't be a constant and driving force in everyday life, but there are times when, if it is a sore subject or the root of underlying tension, that it should not be at the forefront of things.

I sometimes get the feeling that she doesn't respect my religion, or thinks that I simply do what I do because it's what I've always done, and that I don't really have a solid faith of my own.

I just wish she wouldn't expect me to have all the answers. Because I don't. And I'm actually quite terrible at phrasing those I do have in a way that really conveys what I believe and feel. The perfect words always seem to come the next day.

Sometimes I feel like the most Christlike thing we can do is love and respect people as they are. Respect their imperfections and understand their history. And understand that they will not always be as they are now, that they are capable of change, but that it might not happen tomorrow; they might not be ready for that yet. Sometimes the best way to spread Light is not through words or quotes from Scripture, but through friendship and a silent example of a better way.

Anyway, those are my thoughts for the day. Everything will work out in the end, as it should. That I know. I'm just so glad I'm not the one deciding how it should.

*NOTE: Ever the optimist, I have turned this into a good thing. I just spent 30 minutes on, looking up conference talks, D & C manuals, and scriptures about the sacrament, the word of wisdom and why we don't drink wine. I got the spiritual boost I needed. I win.


  1. I love reading your blog posts Laura. Always such character to them. More than any of mine seem to ever have. "I try really hard, actually."

    So, I think you've found what took me two years to find. Sometimes there's nothing more you can do than a friend, an example, and showing forth more love than they ever show you. In the end you will always win bcause of this one underlying truth: Good will always win. (Yay for cliches!)

  2. Okay, so I immediately thought of Dark Knight when you said that, haha. Still love that movie. :)
