Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today I swore.*

Out loud.

In front of my boss's wife...Oops. And I was too in shock at my own mouth to apologize/excuse myself.

That was embarrassing.

People at work are officially rubbing off on me. In a not-so-good way.


*okay, so it was just the D word. But still.
**Not that D word. The real one.
***Also, that muzzle would have really come in handy.


  1. HAHA! Laura, darling, I don't think that dropping the "D-bomb" makes you the worst person ever. ;) I'm sure we've all had our moment in which the ever notorious "D-Word" has passed from our human thoughts, to our lips, and then open air. And all stood in consternation as we couldn't believe what we had just done. I know that I for one still love you. :) Even if you are a "D-Bomb" dropper. ;) LOL!
