Monday, November 30, 2009

"Shout! Shout! Let it all out!" - Tears for Fears

You know what? It seems that we have control of every single thing in our lives: our careers, our mindset, our decisions everyday, our goals, our failures, our attitude even. There are not many things that can really be taken away from us unless we decide to give it away. But I would argue that there is one thing, one simple yet so majestically complicated thing in which we have absolutely zero control.... okay.... we have a tiny bit...

And for that one thing I am so SUPER frustrated! ....I hate losing control.... *Phooie*

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I don't want the ball! You're not allowed to throw it back to me!!

Sometimes, I just do not understand.

And then I realize that I just need to chill out already.


Saturday, November 21, 2009


Dear Thanksgiving,
You will be here in less than a week, and I am very happy about that. You see, I really need the break from school. (Even though I will be bringing homework to Oregon with me.)
And I'm excited to see my family. Because my family rocks.
And I really need the rest. Really.


Cause I'm on the Up and Up

Curse. Swear. Cuss. Yell. Spit. Scream. Kick. Stomp. Punch. Growl.

Friday, November 20, 2009

What school do we go to again?!

So Bethany went and took a test this week. Like... yesterday. So what did I do? I made her a cute little, "Good Job! You rocked that test!" type of note that I left on the little shelf just outside of the Testing center, down the stairs and all. I also bought some chocolate and stuck it with the note.

She took the test, and rocked it, and then came down and found the note.... but no chocolate.... WHAT SCHOOL DO WE GO TO AGAIN!? What do we believe!? Oh yeah, "Thou shalt NOT steal." I almost forgot. Apparently so did someone else.....

All I can say is that I hope someone REALLY needed that chocolate. I hope that they couldn't survive without it. To whoever you might be, chocolate stealing fiend, I have one thing to say to you:


Friday, November 13, 2009

my feet didn't even hurt.

Dear Ballroom,

Right now you are not fun, and I sort of hate you.

And I really have no desire to spend all afternoon tomorrow doing my hair and makeup and then waiting at the comp and then dancing and then not.making.a.single.cut.

Oh, and then not being able to participate in the get-the-high-school-seniors-excited-to-come-to-byu-and-dance-on-the-ballroom-team meeting because I'm utterly incoherent and my eyes are bloodshot.

Bitterly yours,

Katie, the obviously not Russian ballroom dancer

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

cap that.

Dear Religion Professor,

The combined class average for both of your sections on the last midterm was 75.5%. The class average on my last physics test was 72%.

THERE IS SOMETHING VERY WRONG WHEN THE RELIGION TEST IS AS HARD AS THE PHYSICS (and not just any physics mind you, this is electricity and magnetism using calculus, and it sucks) TEST!!!!!!!

ALSO! I think participation points are retarded and that I still deserve an A in French. I know that this has nothing to do with you or your class (except you have some deal with participation too....just so you know I plan on giving myself a 100%), but I am rather frustrated right now.


Angrily yours,



I'm an idiot when it comes to remember passwords.
I'm also completely irresponsible with my finances.

It really sucks when the two combine.

The End.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I officially loathe:

-Verizon Wireless
-the 5 passwords that I must know to change anything about my account
-the fact that somehow I subscribed to play Ms. PacMan on my phone, without my knowledge, and have been reprimanded by my mother twice for it. Not her fault, but frustrating for us both.
-the fact that I deleted said Ms. PacMan from my phone, but apparently am still paying for it. (what the heck?!?!)


I hate technology. I don't htink this will ever change.

Give me a typewriter, a pen and a face to talk to. So sick of screens.